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1 sagehen  Tue, Dec 10, 2013 9:29:57am

Is this the Alabama son, or do you have multiple rabbi sons?

2 Lord of the Pies  Tue, Dec 10, 2013 10:39:49am

re: #1 sagehen

Is this the Alabama son, or do you have multiple rabbi sons?

I have multiple rabbi sons. This one currently lives in New York, although in 2007 he was in Moscow.

3 rosiee  Tue, Dec 10, 2013 10:51:38pm

Why was Mandela so silent to the slaughter of Israelis and the use of suicide bombs?

4 palomino  Wed, Dec 11, 2013 2:45:49am

re: #3 rosiee

Why was Mandela so silent to the slaughter of Israelis and the use of suicide bombs?

Because he wasn’t perfect. You can ask plenty of other questions, on a variety of topics, which will also reveal that Mandela wasn’t perfect. Like pretty much every leader, he didn’t speak out every time he should have. (Or are you implying that he supported the suicide bombers?)

While not perfect, he was nevertheless extraordinary. Enduring 27 years in prison and then leading a peaceful transition of power in S.A. counts for something. Something very big. Maybe you can try looking at the larger picture of his life…what he did in toto.

5 rosiee  Wed, Dec 11, 2013 2:57:28am

re: #4 palomino

Either he was extraordinarily blind to the plight of Jews in Israel or he didn’t care. I think his mistake was to see it as a racial issue, of white colonialist Jews taking brown Arab land.

Shortly after being released from prison in 1990, Nelson Mandela met Yasser Arafat in Zambia. He embraced the Palestinian leader as a “fellow freedom fighter.” On a trip to Australia in October 1990, Mandela referred to Israel as a “terrorist state,”

6 palomino  Wed, Dec 11, 2013 8:29:12am

re: #5 rosiee

Either he was extraordinarily blind to the plight of Jews in Israel or he didn’t care. I think his mistake was to see it as a racial issue, of white colonialist Jews taking brown Arab land.

Fair enough, Mandela made a mistake with respect to the issue you raise.

On balance, however, it should not in any way overshadow the great work he did to advance peace at home and abroad.

Just as we can walk and chew gum at the same time, we can recognize a person’s misdeeds and at the same time embrace their greatness and overall positive historical impact.

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